Thursday, May 14, 2015

Crank it Up -- Getting Ready for Summer Day Camp

It’s that time of year.  Winter is totally behind us; summer is right around the corner.  It is spring.  We do not get much of spring here in Texas, but while it is here I really enjoy it.  I love the different shades of green I see while driving in the country.  I love the wildflowers.  I really love all the newborn animals.  In short, I go through a rejuvenation.

Spring is a busy time at Doublecreek.  It takes a lot of work by a lot of people to get Camp Doublecreek ready for the summer. Every spring we can count on wearing out at least one lawnmower or edger keeping the grass under control.  We go through gallons of paint sprucing up the buildings.  But this is nothing compared to the thousands of gallons of water it takes to fill the pool.
Starting in May, counselors begin working at Doublecreek to get camp ready.  Everything from the pool to the buses, from the buildings to the dressing rooms is swept clean.  This is a special time.  A lot of sweat and bonding happens as we’re getting ready for summer.

There is always something new being introduced at Doublecreek.  It may be a new building we are putting up or a new game or activity we are planning.  This year we have the new and improved Aunt Trudy's Mini Room, Indoor/Outdoor Soccer, and Spikeball.

But the most interesting new element is a human element.  Every year we have new counselors join our staff.  I see many of them waiting nervously for their interview.  For most of them, this is their first job interview.  The next time I see them they are more relaxed, because the next time I seen them they are Doublecreek counselors.

A new counselor is apprehensive, but eager.  They have significant training and work to do before they say “Good morning! to their first camper.  We try as hard as we can to make sure they are ready.  Just like we work as hard as we can to get the campus ready.

I’ve gone through 44 springs at Doublecreek getting ready for the summer.  There is one constant about getting camp ready – it is never ready.  I can’t remember a single time when the night before camp started that Aunt Trudy, Uncle Carter, Scott, or Dan said, “Well, that’s it – there’s nothing more to do.”  There is always one more thing to do.

So if you are a new counselor or a new camper and you are so nervous and excited about your first day at Doublecreek you can’t sleep, I have one thing to say to you:  “Relax and welcome to the club.”

Go few some of our great camp videos on YouTube.