Thursday, December 31, 2015

Winter Blast Camp and Video

Winter Blast Camp was loads of fun!  We had snowball fights, had S'Mores, drank hot chocolate, and went on a hayride!

To see more photos of Winter Blast Camp, please email us at: and we will set you up on our Shutterfly site.

Check out our video from this week:


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Favorite Things About Christmas

Christmas is a season of sensory overload.  We are bombarded with images and sounds of the season.  Everywhere you turn you will see visuals of Santa Claus, Elves, Angels, Reindeer, Christmas lights and ornaments.  Starting shortly after Halloween, I find catalogs in my mailbox from companies I’ve never heard of encouraging me to celebrate the season and save money by ordering products from their catalogs. They entice me by saying their candle holder, one-size-fits-all sweater, or scented hardware will make the perfect Christmas gift.

It’s a season of entertainment.  From Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, there is a flood of Christmas-themed TV specials and movies.  Every year we have a new batch of “Christmas” movies coming down the chimney.  I have one “rule of thumb” about whether or not I watch a Christmas movie.  If the movie trailer is accompanied by the phrase “Instant Classic,” I don’t bother.  Call me “old-school,” but a movie doesn’t become a classic over a weekend.  When two or three generations can sit and enjoy a movie year after year, then it can be considered a classic.

My list of classic Christmas movies is a short one. My choice for the ultimate Christmas movie is ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.”   This is a heartwarming story about dealing with broken dreams and the belief that what he has done in his life doesn’t matter.  How George Bailey comes to realize that, yes, he has had a wonderful life makes me nod my head and smile every time I see it.

There is one more movie I have to mention as a “Christmas Classic.”  This Christmas movie doesn’t have any references to Santa or elves.  In fact, it isn’t even set during Christmas time.   Many movie critics have labeled this movie the worst movie ever made.  They are not wrong.  The name of this odious opus is “Plan Nine from Outer Space.”  The story line features grave robbers from outer space.  Why is this a Christmas movie, you ask?  It’s because every Christmas my family gathers at our house to watch it.  We call it “Pizza and Bad Movie Night.”  This movie has it all – hammy acting, incoherent writing, inept direction, cheesy special effects – complete with a flaming paper plate passing as a flying saucer. Now that’s entertainment!! Best of all it is our family tradition.

So there you have it! My favorite things about the season involve family traditions, heartwarming movies, good food, giving, and reflecting on the wonderfulness of life. It also doesn't hurt to include a few "bad" movies in the mix. I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas season!

-- Joe Ray

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Winter Blast Camp is Coming Soon!

The excitement for Winter Blast Camp has already begun! Join us Monday, 12/28 through Thursday, 12/31 for shaving cream, cheetos and much more!  They are already playing some of the games at Director Dan's house!