Retro is often associated with the good ol' days. At Doublecreek, we want to keep in touch with our roots and we are proud of our history. But, do we want to go retro? Let’s think about it. Were the good ol' days better than now?
What did we do then that we don’t do now? Well, we had a fishing period. That’s right – a fishing period! Originally, there was a small pond on the property with very small fish. Uncle Carter said he saw some decent-looking bass in the pond. I have to take his word for it. When campers caught a fish, they could take it home. Now that made for some fragrant bus rides! Aunt Trudy fielded several calls from perplexed moms inquiring how to prepare a six-ounce fish. We also had a garden; we hauled hay; we had horned-toad races; and when we had a trail ride, it was a real trail ride. This all sounds quaint and idyllic
Until enrollment prohibited it, we had our own “fire drill.” When the temperature reached 100+ degrees, Uncle Carter would put the flag at half-mast and everyone, except those at horseback, would jump in the pool.
Time has changed things. Development has boxed us in. The pond is gone; the garden is gone; horned toads have disappeared; there isn’t a hay field within miles of Doublecreek.
But, we now have a pool that rarely leaks with a waterslide, a rockwall, a paintball course, a miniature golf course, Gaga Ball pits, a covered 4-Square area, trees and grass everywhere, and we have a whole row of chilled (and filtered) water fountains.
So, do I long for the good ol' days? Not really. I remember those days fondly. But time moves on and so does Doublecreek. Physically, Doublecreek has changed dramatically and will continue to change. When I look at pictures of Doublecreek from the first summers, I’m amazed at how stark it looks. When I look closer, I notice a common thread with recent pictures. I see smiles, lots of smiles, on the faces of campers and counselors. Over the course of 47 summers, Doublecreek has produced lots of smiles – whether they are riding or going down the waterslide, campers are smiling.
When I think of “Retro,” I think of fashion, music, types of entertainment and technology from the different periods of time at Doublecreek. Fashion doesn’t matter and music doesn’t matter, it’s smiles that matter. The smiles in photographs covering 47 summers will always be in style!
-- Joe Ray
Here's the link to this week's video: