Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Happy New Year!

Yes, I can still hear those holiday greetings!  But they're starting to taper off.  Emotionally, January is a transitional month.  You’re coming off the rush of the holidays, into the weight of returning to school and work, and staring at bills you’ve accrued during December.

But, hey!  It’s a new year.  January is my launch month.  All the ways I intend to improve myself:  losing weight, saving money, becoming stronger, faster and smarter, I start in January.  Never mind that I should try to do these things throughout the year – starting self-improvement projects in July doesn’t make sense to me.  Starting in January, that’s the time to start.  Why?  It’s a new year! One year I examined my goals.  Upon closer inspection, I realized that if I achieved all my goals, I would morph into a completely new person.  I don’t need to become a new person – just a better person.

As you already know, Doublecreek doesn’t need to reinvent itself.  But, there are always tweaks that can be made.  As soon as summer is over, we’re working towards next year.  Winter Break Camp is over, and now we’re working towards Spring Break Camp.  The Austin Family Camp Fair is coming up and (ready for my shameless plug?) registration is open!  Some years Doublecreek has major physical additions; other years the changes are so subtle you can’t detect them.  What’s on the horizon this year?  Come visit us at Open House in April and see for yourself!

Some things change, others remain the same.  For instance, some counselors will return; some will graduate and begin new careers.  Some campers will return and some will become counselors-in-training (CITs).  The “heart” of Doublecreek is one thing that won't change.  This intangible trait was developed by Uncle Carter and Aunt Trudy, and has been passed down to Director Dan, as well as our owners, Judy and Jane.  Everyone who has been a part of Doublecreek, either as a camper or counselor, is a part of this legacy.  

I hope you will continue to be a part of the Doublecreek legacy and help us to make this great camp even greater!

-- Joe Ray

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