Friday, July 20, 2018

Hooray for the Holidays!!

What do Halloween, 4th of July, St. Patrick’s Day, and Valentine’s Day have in common other than being holidays? Give up? They’re holidays we celebrated this week at Doublecreek!

Since this is Holiday Week, it was decided to focus on a different holiday each day! We had a running narrative during Sing-Song about a man who hates holidays and thinks all holidays are a humbug. Gee, where did we get that idea?

Monday we had Halloween, I’m still fuzzy about why he thought Halloween was a humbug. I think it was because monsters scared him and he didn’t like candy. Neither of which I can relate to. But because of the Ghost of Holidays’ Past, “Emily”, convinced “Sam” that Halloween was a magical holiday that should be enjoyed.

Tuesday was the 4th of July. Emily took Sam back in time to meet George Washington and King George III! Since King George III really had mental issues and George III played his idiosyncrasies to the hilt, they ended up having duel! Take a guess who won.

Thursday was St. Patrick’s Day. Did you know Leprechauns invented Jenga?! Well, for Doublecreek’s purposes, that’s what happened. After the “Leprechauns” knocked down the Jenga tower then rebuilt it, we had “leprechauns” wake up Sam and do the Irish Jig! Sam decided St. Patrick’s Day is also fun and joined in the celebration.

Friday was Valentine’s Day. Emily had Sam relive painful memories of a Junior High School dance, which explained why he hated Valentine’s Day so much. Thanks to Emily, he was reunited with his long-lost love and after a beautiful dance he finally found true love. It was truly magical.

So, that’s our holiday week in a nutshell. We had something for everyone, you just have to be willing to put aside your inhibitions and join in. Like Sam in our narrative, we have many campers who are reluctant to join in, but with gentle consoling from our counselors, they discover that at Doublecreek -  every day is a holiday.

 -- Joe Ray

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