Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Everybody Dance Now!

It is third period on Thursday and the 1st Grade Girls have just finished the Scavenger Hunt (actually it’s a clue hunt, but that doesn’t matter), so what do they do next?  They dance!  This week’s theme is “Dancingwith the Counselors” at Camp Doublecreek and Friday at Sing-Song all the groups will be dancing with their counselors.  Every chance they practice.  They are very serious about this, but not too serious.  Groups want to do well, but they want to have a good time doing it. 

I watched the 2nd Grade Boys practice their routine to “Let It Go” from the movie from the movie "Frozen.” You haven’t lived until you watch 2nd Grade Boys try to channel their inner Princess Elsa. Later I saw the 3rd Grade Girls practicing their dance to “Thriller.”  What a camp!  The boys channel their inner Elsa while the girls channel their inner zombie.

Group dancing takes place on Friday.  On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week at Sing-Song, we have pairs or semi-pairs dancing.  We have 15 counselors who “volunteer” to dance with a camper.  Campers enter a drawing to be one of the lucky partners of the counselors.  Once the pairs are decided, the fun really begins.  The groups who are scheduled for Tuesday do not have much time to pull a routine together, but they always come up with routines that are clever and fun to watch.

Fifteen pairs (or should I say, 14 pairs and one group of ten), put on a great show.  I’m not sure who had more fun – the dancers or the audience.  It doesn’t matter.  This isn’t "American Idol."  We don’t have judges; we don’t have a trophy. While it’s not “Dancing with the Stars,” all our performers are winners!

-- Joe Ray

Here's the link to our "Dancing with the Counselors" video:  https://vimeo.com/133397322

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