Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Be My Valentine

February 14th is coming.  It's time for parents and kids to get ready for Valentine’s Day parties at home and/at school.  Valentine’s Day would not be complete without Valentine’s Day cards.  Some of the cards I have seen show a princess saying (and I’m quoting Belle), “Valentine, You are True of Heart”; or Elsa telling you to “Have a Magical Valentine’s Day.”  A Valentine’s Day message from Spiderman said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Hero!”  Even Star Wars Storm Troopers have Valentine’s Day messages.  One read, “The First Order, My Valentine.”  I’m not sure what that means, but Darth Vader even sends a Valentine’s Day message: “Crush the Resistance, My Valentine!”  Now those are words for the true romantic in all of us.

All this caused me to think, “What if Camp Doublecreek had Valentine’s Day cards; what would they look like?”  Check out the Valentine's Day cards from Doublecreek below. If you understand the meaning behind these cards, you’ve been to Camp Doublecreek.  If you don’t have a clue, then you need to find out.  Register your camper(s) so that we can say to them, “You’re the Greatest, Valentine!”

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