Happy 4th of July Week! To some, this week means fireworks, cookouts and fun with friends and family. It’s a time of remembrance – a time to remember and celebrate those who served in the military and their sacrifice to enable us to enjoy living in this wonderful country!
I imagine some of you are wondering about our Red, White and Bloom theme for this week. If you were at Sing-Song Monday, you would have understood the meaning of Red, White and Bloom. We dedicated Aunt Trudy’s tree. Appropriately enough, Aunt Trudy’s tree was planted adjacent to Scott Kirtley’s memorial. Scott was Uncle Carter and Aunt Trudy's beloved grandson, and the former director of Doublecreek. We now have two trees in Central Park which are dedication trees. In the center of Central Park, is Uncle Carter’s legacy tree.
Trees were special to both Uncle Carter and Aunt Trudy. For a tree to thrive, it takes lots of care. Aunt Trudy specialized in caring. Her favorite group at camp was the mini-campers' group. She loved them and they loved her. It takes patience and nurturing to work with minis and Aunt Trudy had plenty of both. The stone at the base of Aunt Trudy’s tree reads “We're All Heart.” The heart is a symbol of love. Aunt Trudy expressed her love frequently and in many ways.
I’m glad the family and our wonderful partner, Café Java, decided to honor both Uncle Carter and Aunt Trudy by planting trees. A tree doesn’t grow overnight. It takes time and care. A tree is not simply ceremonial – it has a function. Trees are especially appreciated at Doublecreek. When the camp opened, trees were few and far between. We have an abundance of trees now, but we always need more. Doublecreek looks and feels cooler and more inviting because of the trees Uncle Carter planted.
The tree dedicated to Aunt Trudy may look small and insignificant now, but just wait. Love grows and blooms, and so will Aunt Trudy’s tree.
-- Joe Ray
Here's the link to this week's Video: https://vimeo.com/224645960
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